All For Swinging You Around

hope: /hoʊp/ [hohp] – noun: to believe, desire, or trust

Monday, February 26, 2007


I took this picture the other day because I thought it was really funny that the mailman was sitting on his mailbox waiting for his mail. It was right outside my house, so I stole a picture through the window. Excellent, no?
Last night was the Wolfmother show and it was really good. Though I will admit it was a little long.... but probably just because doors weren't until 8 and the opener didn't even come on until 9:40 or something silly like that. But nonetheless, Wolfmother was fantastic. The opener [I can't remember their name] sucked. Too much pelvic thrust!!!! and make-up on the front man. They got "boo"ed and it was funny. Ah! And there was this really old creepy satanic man who tried to eat Alyssa!!! Alex saved us all, but it was still horribly terrifying.
McDonald's!! Ugh! DIE!
Jasmine tea is a great feeling.
My new bedroom is 95% complete and I'm half moved in. It's so small. But it's my own space, so I'll take it! Beats sleeping behind a couch on the floor haha
This week is my reading week. Everyone else in the world had it last week, so I have a feeling I'll be rather bored. Other than going to work, I don't know what to do....
....ouch. I don't know why but my head feels like it is going to implode or explode or diplode or something! It hurts so bad : ( Probably from the air last night, the noise, and the INTOXICATION from the carpets downstairs.
My birthday is in 5 days do doooo da doo dooo. 19 years old. : )
And.... I get to spend it alooone. Haha, yea, everyone is busy on my actual birthday. Oh well. Maybe I'll whip out some ice cream and a sweet movie and chill with my beloved cat: Ludgate.


Carly_bee said...

If I lived near you I would spend your birthday with you (and probably Ludgate) But because I'm here we will have a day when I'm back home and it will be like our birthday day we will eat cake and be in love lol.

I wish you were here right now . . . Or at least on msn


Peaches said...

Awesome picture.