All For Swinging You Around

hope: /hoʊp/ [hohp] – noun: to believe, desire, or trust

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Happen Now

Some negatives of living in a small detached neighbourhood in Nepean Ontario:

  1. milk in a bag
  2. beef that's not from Alberta
  3. walking to the mailbox
  4. humidity
  5. short thunder storms
  6. fourteen-percent tax
  7. half my channels are french
  8. dark by nine
  9. all good shopps are at least twenty minutes away
  10. Boston Pizza is rare
  11. no Julios Barrios at all
  12. water doesn't taste very good

That's all for now.


Anonymous said...

I agree...the only reason I'll water tastes so good is cause we have a REALLY good countertop water filter! Couldn't survive without it..

discoinathens said...

Yea I hear the water where you are is the worst!! I don't know what's up with Ontario water... I guess Alberta water just flows from the mountains and so it's clean and fresh and wonderful!! :D

Anonymous said...

perhaps. Regina is WAY worse (leaves a taste of rotten eggs)yet another reason I'm glad to be living there! How was your camp photo expedition?

discoinathens said...

I ended up not going because they found someone else, so I was kinda upset about that. Cuz after I was told they found someone else, I made other plans, and a few days later I got an email saying "welcome to the team!" and wanted all my papers in pronto. Which I didn't have. So we all missed out I guess. Oh well!!

How was your holiday?

Anonymous said...

Nice but REALLY hot. Didn't see your dad yesterday, they had 'important' lunch meeting that I didn't think was relevant for me to attend. Maybe next time it will work out for you to come...

Getting ready for school in the fall?

discoinathens said...

Yea man next time I'll totally come visit!! I still get so confused where he is going when. It's not that I don't pay attention, completely, it's just that he goes away so often and I can't keep track haha

I won't be going to school in the fall. I'm still on the waiting list and I don't see much hope in getting in. Plus the army only covers full time courses so I can't afford to take part time. I wish I had more time to figure stuff out... but I guess in a way I have a whole year ahead of me now to figure stuff out haha

2qurios said...

It's good to know you are looking for the positives. Keep up the good cheer and I'm sure the Lord will bless you with longer thunder storms and better water to drink.


LDT said...

You need to list the postives now.