All For Swinging You Around

hope: /hoʊp/ [hohp] – noun: to believe, desire, or trust

Thursday, February 22, 2007

Rich & Chewy: Chocolate Chip

Turns out I'm allergic to granola bars.
Odd no?
I lived off of them and juice boxes all of grade 12.

I wrote my Design History midterm today!! I studied for a grand total of...... an hour and a half [give or take an hour or so] and I feel I did fairly well.
School is for cool kids.
I'm getting light-headed [or high] off the new carpet fumes lingering among the massive amounts of.... mess.

My friend Nick is applying for the Design Foundations program next year! I'm so excited hehe
Vanessa and I had McDonald's today. Ew. But so yum! We got out of class super early and the cafe was closed due to unlawful Reading Weeks! Yes! Why did the rest of the world get it a week earlier? Hmmm?! Anyway... we were wondering why people sink so low and work there. I mean, some people it's totally OK... you know, high school students and whatnot. But middle aged people or people old enough to be in COLLAGE!! Yes. That is how we feel. Unacceptable.
The road to happiness is calling.

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