Flamingo and I had another wonderful day... today on Whyte. We had "coffee" at Starbucks, went to Death By Chocolate and Opas, got pierced and bought cool tees. And of course, wicked Graham met up too. I had more fun with these two in the last few days then I have in a long time.... other than the bonfire the other night...
I'm so proud of Flamingo getting her belly button pierced! She debated over it for awhile but she decided to be adventurous and brave! Only one buddy could go in with her while she got it done, so me being afraid of needles, and Graham being the best support system, he went in while I sat and read the newspaper. A bit later Graham came out and told me she couldn't do it, that she chickened out... and I totally believed him, cuz I knew she was unsure. But then she came out and lifted her shirt to a very lovely pink jewel. :D
In the picture shown... Graham and I are excited to find the Dandy Warhols add in the newspaper. Then we were sad because we couldn't go. Later that night, before we went to McDonald's (where he was sweet enough to buy us ice cream), his friend called and offered him a free ticket to... the Dandy Warhols! Like what the heck buddy... take me! haha pretty funny actually.
Flamingo leaves me tomorrow. Most likely, I won't see her for months, which breaketh my hearteth. Why must she leaveth? Come backeth I say! ... k enough with the old English haha STAY!
All I've eaten in the past few days... pop, twizzlers, chocolate, desserts, and fries. Oh, and pizza last night. Jeez man. Call me P.I.G... pretty indulging gal? haha ahem....
I'm totally going to visit you oh anon commenter! Ontario will be ours! muahaha haha yea... bed time.
Shelley, I think I should kidnap you so that you can be with ME!
Nav, that sounds wonderful!
I could use some Navy time!! :D
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