I went to Calgary this weekend for a few reasons. Now, normally... actually, even still... I hate Calgary. The city is horribly ugly (sorry for all you who love it there) and there doesn't seem to be much more than houses and highways... notice this? It's... odd. Anyway... I saw the OC DYB and they blew me away! Being an Army kid and growing up around Brass bands, I could really appreciate the hard work and dedication those guys had. To be honest.... I was completely jealous! haha I used to play the horn... many years ago, but for some reason hated it at the time. I wish I hadn't given it up... I'd love to be able to play. Bass guitar just isn't the same...
But I'm super glad I went to Calgary, even though there were a few friends I didn't get to see. I met some really neat people... including an immaculate singer who I went to Sunday School with when I was young haha (yea... I love livin in a small world) so that was awesome :) I hope I run into some of them when I move to Ontario...
I also got to see Uncle Mark... one of my most cherished teachers in the entire world. While he was the DYS in the Alberta division, he really became family to me... he taught me a lot and encouraged me as a person of God, to continue in what I was doing well, and challenge me on things that I needed to be challenged on. After 3 years, I finally got to see him again... and it was awesome!!
I'm moving to Ottawa in 6 weeks. I'm really excited now. Moving on with my life... it seems this is the best time... God couldn't have planned it any better for me. Spiritually I'm at a high, and so eager to chase the world with my good news! One year of college done, with a certificate in Design.... excited to go on to take Photography at Algonquin and take pictures of God's beauty. I've been stuck in a boring, overly busy groove for the past 6 months and I need a break from the norm! Getting away will give me air to breathe! No more sleepless nights or bad dreams. And... some good friends of mine are also moving to Ontario... so having that support will rock too.
Who wants to dance around and go crazy?
Who is craving Slurpees and Ice Cream cones?!
Who can't get over and stop noticing how artistic God is?
I feel as though I may start to annoy some with my constant bragging about Jesus... but I can't help it.... he's just way too good to me. And truely my best friend!
I can introduce you to him if you'd like... I'm certain you'll like him too :)